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A trick of the trade #6

>> Thursday, June 28, 2012

If there is anything that I have learned in my short number of years being a mother and buying things for babies, it's this: They are forever changing and "improving" products and you never know how long the one that works for your baby is going to be on the shelf.

Bottles, pacifiers, sippy cups, certain food products, even certain little toys...our children got accustomed to a certain type, and then all of a sudden I'd go to the store and they'd no longer have the exact product. I'd find in it's place some new "improved" version that my child was not a fan of.

So to play it safe, if you find something that your baby/child loves...stock up!! You never know how long they will sell your child's favorite version, and finding yourself without it because they no longer sell it can be a tragedy in itself!!


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Spring/Summer Collection Giveaway Winner!!

>> Monday, June 25, 2012

The winner of the Milan Maternity Spring/Summer collection giveaway is:
Congratulations!! Please e-mail service@milanmaternity.com by June 28, 11:59pm MST to claim your prize, or another winner will be chosen.


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Telling him you're pregnant

>> Thursday, June 21, 2012

Don't forget to enter the Milan Maternity Spring/Summer collection giveaway. (You can enter each day that you share the giveaway!!) Tomorrow is the last day! Click here to enter!

For me, telling my husband when I'm pregnant is one of the most exciting parts about the pregnancy. For my first pregnancy, I was so excited that I ran into the room where he was and just told him. He was mostly in shock I think, but it's one of those moments I'll always remember.

For my second pregnancy I decided to do something a little more and I thought it would be fun to get my son involved a little bit. So when my husband came home from work, my son was wearing this onesie I made him.

It took my husband a couple of minutes to take the time to read what it actually said and it was KILLING me!! But it was so much fun to tell him that way.

With baby number three, I wanted to do something fun. But then I had a thought. I'm always the first person to know, and I'm always the one somehow telling him. I thought it would be fun to let him be the one to see the pregnancy test first and tell me. So I took the test, left it in the bathroom, and told him he was going to get to see it first. When he walked out of the bathroom, I could tell immediately by the look on his face that it was positive. It was fun to do it in reverse.

I looked to our dear friend Pinterest to find some other cute ideas for announcing to your other half your pregnancy. Here's a few fun ones that I found.

This one made me laugh. (I couldn't find where it originated from since all the links took me to weird sites) But...I loved the idea! Simple and fun.

You could buy him this shirt, and place it in his shirt pile.

Or, presenting him with a coupon for 1 baby could be a fun route to go. (Although the ultrasound might later show he's getting a 2 for 1 deal :)

No matter how you tell him, it will be fun and a special moment for the two of you. And...don't worry if at first he seems more shocked or scared than excited.

What fun ways have you told your man that you're pregnant??


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What I Wish I Had Known #9

>> Monday, June 18, 2012

Don't forget to enter the Milan Maternity Spring/Summer collection giveaway. (You can enter each day that you share the giveaway!!) Click here to enter!

I wish I had known it was ok to cry, and that I would, (a lot) after having my baby. I don't mean immediately after. I mean for months after. I wish I had known that I'd be sitting there, with my baby, just the two of us, and the tears would start flowing for seemingly no good reason. I had one or two people mention to me that it was ok to cry after the baby was born, but I don't think I understood them, and didn't realize that it really was a widespread phenomena among mothers with newborns.

I was overwhelmingly happy, I cried. I was sleep deprived and overly tired, I cried. My baby was crying, I cried. I couldn't remember which side to nurse my baby on next, I cried. (Some people might be thinking PPD, and I assure you I went through that, but not until a few months later.)

Truly, crying in those first few months over little things is totally and completely normal, and I wish I had known that! So if you find yourself in the same situation, don't worry!! It's ok, it's normal, and it will get better...(eventually).


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Spring/Summer Collection Review and GIVEAWAY!!

>> Friday, June 15, 2012

When I saw the pictures of the new Spring/Summer collection, I was so excited to get my hands on them (and body into them).

I fell in love with the Luciana (pictured here in Watermelon Dot) from the moment I saw it. I'm a polka-dot kind of girl, and I loved the color combos (it's also available in White Dot). It's a very cute, very flattering maternity top. And the fact that it doubles as a nursing top for after the baby is born makes it that much better.

The next top I was excited about getting was the Viviana (pictured here in pink rose, also available in Marina Blue). I chose to get it in pink, but it probably would have been more appropriate for me to get it in blue, since it turns out I'm having a boy! This is a top that is great now when I'm not showing very much, and I know it will transition well into those last few months when I'm as huge as a house.

The Adelina was a perfect change from my normal maternity dresses. It fits great, feels comfortable, and is different from all the other dresses I have.

If you haven't had a chance to check out the new stuff yet, make sure you do! There is also the cute Feliciana dress (in Plum and Cerise Red) and the Marcella top (in Tangerine and Lime).

And here's your chance to win one of the new Spring/Summer items! There are lots of ways to enter, and here's how:

1) Go to the Milan Maternity website and tell us which new item you would like if you win.

2) Share this giveaway with one of the "share buttons" at the bottom of this post. It's super easy to share on Facebook, twitter, your blog, or e-mail! (One entry for each way shared, and for each day shared, leave a separate comment for each)

3)Follow Milan Maternity on Facebook , follow this blog, follow Milan Maternity on Twitter , post one of our buttons on your blog and leave the link (leave a separate comment for each )

Giveaway ends June 22nd, 11:59 PM.


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Tuesday laugh

>> Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Every time I'm pregnant, I think about the episode of The Cosby Show when all the men are pregnant. Does anyone else remember that? Click here to see a clip. (It wouldn't let me embed the video) This episode cracks me up every time!

And don't forget...Father's Day is this Sunday! What are you going to do for the fathers in your life??


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Are you happy with your provider?

>> Thursday, June 7, 2012

In my opinion, birthing a baby is one of the single most important events of your life. And not only is it a super important life event, but it's a super important life event that is medically related. Feeling 110% comfortable with the care you receive during your pregnancy and the care you will receive during your birth isn't too much to ask.

If you are considering changing providers because you aren't feeling completely comfortable with the one you're with, here's some good indicators that it's time for a change (List from "Great Expectations: Your All-in-One Resource for Pregnancy & Childbirth"):

*You spend a long time in the waiting room at every visit-a sign that your provider has more patients than they can comfortably handle.

*Exams are rough or uncomfortable.

*Your care provider dismisses, challenges, or demeans your questions, or responds with "Why do you want to know?"

*You feel like you can't be honest with your provider about your activities.

*When you call with a question, your call isn't taken or isn't returned promptly.

*You don't like the other care providers in the group practice.

*The hospital where your care provider delivers doesn't have features that you want, such as water birthing facilities.

* (From my own personal list) You don't agree with your providers views on such things as pain management, inductions, c-sections, etc.

During my first pregnancy I was going to a regular ob/gyn office, but felt like I was being herded through like one of a million. I just didn't feel comfortable, so a few months into the pregnancy I decided I just wasn't ok with the care I was receiving and decided to ask around for other options (which is how I ended up at a midwife practice). If you have any concerns or doubts, don't hesitate to find something you feel comfortable with. And don't let how far along you are in your pregnancy hold you back!! My sister changed providers 2 weeks before her due date!! It wasn't easy to find someone that late in the game, but obviously someone will take you in if they have your best interest in mind.

Ask your friends for suggestions of providers, send out a mass text to all your mom friends, ask on facebook...modern technology is a blessing when it comes to asking for advice on a large scale. Whatever you do, just make sure you feel comfortable and at ease with your prenatal care and the views of your provider for your birth! And just know that it's never too late to look for other options!!


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What to Name That Bundle of Joy

>> Monday, June 4, 2012

I personally think one of the most exciting things about having a baby is choosing a name. However, with our first child, we knew before we found out the gender that if it was a boy, we were naming him after my husband. So there wasn't a whole lot of decision making that took place. It all fell into place, since we did indeed have a boy. It was kind of the same with our second. We know that if it was a girl, we'd name her after my aunt. So again, when we found out the gender of our baby, we already knew the name.

Not the case this time around. This week I will be 18 weeks pregnant, and we still haven't picked a decisive boy and girl name yet. Which means we are farther behind than usual. But we do know that we are using all family names for our children. (Doesn't seem right for the first two to have family names, and then name the rest of the kids random names, does it?)

It's also fun to see the names other people pick. Most popular names, least popular names, using two names combined to come up with a unique name. It's something I'm so fascinated by I wish I could be a fly on the wall to hear the process people go through in picking out their name for their baby.

The Social Security website is great no matter what your route. There you can find a list of the top 10 most popular boy names and girl names.

From 2011 the most popular boy names were:
1. Jacob
2. Mason
3. William
4. Jayden
5. Noah
6. Michael
7. Ethan
8. Alexander
9. Aiden
10. Daniel

And for girl names:
1. Sophia
2. Isabella
3. Emma
4. Olivia
5. Ava
6. Emily
7. Abigail
8. Madison
9. Mia
10. Chloe

Another way to find popular names is by state. You can pick which state and it will give you the list of names.

If you want to use a name that isn't so popular, you can also enter in your name ideas, and it will list their popularity over the past 12 years. If it doesn't fall within the top 1,000 names, I think it's a pretty good indicator that you've found something.

Another site that I LOVE is nymbler.com. With this site you can enter in names that you like and it generates lists of other names that might fit your tastes. You can choose to do boy and girl names, only a specific gender, you can mark favorites, and choose a name not to be listed anymore. It's so much fun to play with, I sometimes wish we weren't doing all family names just so I could really utilize it.

Whatever your preference, have fun, enjoy it, and don't feel stressed if your baby is due in 2 days and you still don't have a name picked out. Somehow, it always works out, and you end up with the most perfect name to fit your child.


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