Moms Into Fitness- A REAL Fitness Program For New Moms
>> Saturday, January 29, 2011
Working out and dieting (and the time you have each day to do it) dramatically changes after you have your first baby. And it gets worse with each one that comes along! Now that I have two kids, I need a nutritional program that is easy to follow, and is realistic. I don't have time to grill salmon for lunch or prepare a lovely salad for every meal. I also don't have time to dedicate 1-2 hours to daily exercise. I need something that packs the most fat burning, muscle toning exercise into the shortest amount of time and a diet plan made of real food that is easy to prepare.
If you're a new mom on the hunt for a fitness and nutritional program to help you get your pre-pregnancy body back, Moms Into Fitness is the way to go! Lindsay Brin is the driving force behind Moms Into Fitness, and she knows EXACTLY what busy moms need to stay motivated. Maximum results in mimimal time. I've been doing the 60 Day SlimDown. It includes 4 DVDs as well as a program download that includes a nutritional diet plan, a progress tracker and how to take your measurements, how to diet if you are breastfeeding, and other essential tools to be successful. It also includes a calender of what workout to do each day during your 60 Day SlimDown.
I own a bunch of other fitness DVDs that I love, but they are all at least 45-60 minutes per workout, and now that I have two kids and don't have that kind of time every day, (and let's face it, after pregnancy, I'm not in good enough shape to work out that long). In the 60 Day SlimDown, the workouts are divided into 3 phases (each phase is 30 days, with the last phase for maintenence or to continue weight loss after 60 the days). Phase one workouts are done within a half hour, many times less. Perfect for if you're short on time, or just getting back into shape after pregnancy. With each Phase, Lindsay adds a higher level of difficulty to keep your body gaining strength and burning fat.

Boredom? Not with this program! So, most of my workout DVDs have one or two workouts on them. This set of 4 DVDs has 22 different workouts! And you can "create a workout" where you can choose your favorites and customize your workout however you want. I love this because I can start out light after pregnancy, then make things more intense as I get back into shape. Lindsay does a lot of interval training which experts say, and I know from experience, burns more fat in less time and gets you results! I've lost 3 pounds in two weeks! I know the meal plan ideas are really helping also...exercise helps tone and increase metabolism to burn fat, but diet is equally, if not more important when trying to lose the pregnancy weight.
The 60 Day SlimDown is also a GREAT value, (something I love), where some of my other DVD workout programs were more than $100. The 60 Day SlimDown is only $49.99 and includes free shipping. They also have a promo code for The 60 Day SlimDown valid through the rest of January for 30% off, "60daydvd30", bringing it down to $35. What a deal for 4 DVDs with over 22 workouts and a program to follow! And if you don't get a chance to check out Moms Into Fitness in the next couple days, you can still get 20% off any DVD or program with promo code "DVD20".

Moms Into Fitness is also a great site to go to for information on not only food and exercise, but pregnancy, breastfeeding while trying to lose weight, c-sections, and other FAQs. Lindsay has a blog where she tracks her progress, (she's pregnant with number 3), and offers advice. I love to go there for motivation! The Moms Into Fitness facebook page is also great for motivation...lots of other ladies there in the same boat!
What are your thoughts on the Pregnancy Fit Kit? Their website is I was thinking about getting one because a friend just loves hers. Thanks for sharing your insight.
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