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A trick of the trade #5

>> Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Here's a little trick that might work for you.

Did you know that juice consumption up to the age of 4 should be limited to about 4-6 ounces a day? (According to Dr. Sears and several other sources.) But getting my kids to drink water was about as easy as getting them to clean up after themselves. But was we all know, drinking plenty of water a day is important.

My kids are picky enough eaters as it is. I figured if I could do anything right since they were eating so badly, I could at least figure out a way to get them to drink enough water, and not too much juice.

Feeling frustrated that they wouldn't drink water, but would drink juice, but shouldn't have more than 4 ounces a day, I decided to try a little trick. In about 4 ounces of water, I'd add the tiniest bit of juice (I'm talking maybe half an ounce, if not less). When offered that version of juice, my kids have been all over it! I don't know how they could like it, but they do. So they drink less than 4 ounces of juice a day, and are getting plenty of water! I call it a win!

Motherhood breeds ingenuity, doesn't it?

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Jess (The Cozy Reader) April 17, 2012 at 6:26 AM  

Yup. Great idea! Worked for our first and plan to do it again for our second child.

Deborah April 17, 2012 at 8:36 AM  

We do this too when we have juice. I've also resorted to telling the dirty truth. My son has had constipation before and did not enjoy it. Imagine that. ;) I tell him if he doesn't drink his water, he'll get owie poo-poos again. It's actually pretty good motivation. :)

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