I am such a procrastinator, so I really wasn't one to have a hospital bag packed much in advance. Plus, some things are last minute things anyways. But, it's still important to get it done! Here's a list that might help you out as you pack your bags to get ready for your hospital stay for your babies birth.
1. I absolutely say this is the most important. CHAPSTICK! I don't know what it is about labor and childbirth (perhaps all the heavy breathing during labor?) that makes your lips so dry. I remember not having any during my second birth experience and making my husband go get some. I applied it often and liberally throughout the remainder of labor.
2. Toiletries. Deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste, make-up, hair elastics, shampoo, conditioner. Basically, everything you'd take if you were going on a trip where none of those things are provided.
3. Comfy clothes, socks, and slippers. I most certainly did take my housecoat with me the second time, and most certainly enjoyed wearing that over having to wear the hospital gown. And I was thankful to have some comfy socks to keep my cold feet warm on those cold hospital floors.
4. Photo ID, insurance card, birth plan, checks or credit card. This would probably not be the best time to forget such items.
5. Delicious snacks. Not that places let you eat while you are laboring. But afterwards, when you are starving like you haven't eaten in days, and all you're getting is bland hospital foods, you'll be happy to have some good snacks on hand.
6. Anything that will help you be comfortable, relax, or take your mind off of the pain. Whether this is in the form of an IPOD with your favorite music, a favorite book, or pictures of your family. Personally, I didn't have time for any of this stuff, but I know others find it useful.
7. Important phone numbers. Some hospitals don't allow cell phones (Crazy, I know!) Or some have really bad cell reception, thus sucking battery life out of your phone. Whatever may happen, it's always a good idea to have the important numbers written down somewhere in case you can't get them off of your cell phone.
8. Comfortable clothes for the ride home. I had jeans to wear home, but luckily also had some comfy pants. Maybe it's just me, but why would I even want to wear jeans?? I say comfy clothes going home are a necessity.
9. Your babies going home outfit. It's always so fun picking out the perfect outfit to take your new baby home in. Although, keep in mind, unless your baby is above average, the clothes are going to swallow them, so try to pick the tiniest thing available.
10. Comfortable undergarments. This is a time when "granny panties" are, in every way, ok. And needed! And whether your are going to nurse or not, make sure you have a comfortable supportive bra.
11. If you are planning to nurse, make sure you have some nipple cream. Whether it's your first baby or 5th, you'll need it!
Some last minute items (Electronics of course!):
-Camera and charger. I try to make sure the camera stays charged those last few weeks of pregnancy, and make sure it stays in a place that will be easy to grab when it's time to get to the hospital. And make sure you have plenty of storage space ready to go on your camera.
-Cell phone and charger. As previously mentioned, if you can use your cell phone, it might not get good reception in the hospital, so make sure you have a charger since it's battery life will go quicker.