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Monday laugh

>> Monday, April 30, 2012

I've seen this circulating around, and it makes me laugh every time. I think it's something that every parent has experienced and can appreciate...(when we aren't going through it). Both of my kids are especially fond of "The Rod."


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For just a dollar

>> Friday, April 27, 2012

You may or may not know this, but the dollar store can be pretty awesome! It's unfortunate that I go as infrequently as I do, but I went enough to FINALLY notice that they have pregnancy tests! Did you know this? I wish I had known sooner. Pregnancy tests are not cheap. (Especially if you are like me, and feel like taking just one test isn't enough.) If you are also like me, you might be wondering "A pregnancy test? From the dollar store? Is it legit?" Leave it to me to put it to the test. For purposes of this science experiment, I bought my favorite pregnancy test brand along with the dollar store test.

My favorite pregnancy test brand:

The results:

The dollar store pregnancy test:

The results:
Turns out I've been wasting money all this time! I could have found out I was pregnant with my previous two much cheaper! It should be noted that it's not the typical "pee on a stick" test. There is an extra step, but hey...for a dollar, I can do one extra step.

Oh...and yes, I am pregnant! Baby number three is due at the beginning of November.



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You're not the only one

>> Monday, April 23, 2012

This past weekend I had the opportunity to go to an event just for women. As I listened to other mothers speak of their trials in motherhood, I felt comforted.

I remember how excited I was to be a mother. Even though my first pregnancy had it's difficulties, I was happy, and looked forward to the sweet little baby that was to come. And then he came. And with him came sleepless nights, tears, frustrations, and very brief moments of joy. But everywhere around me (blogs, facebook, etc) other women were going on and on and gushing about how wooonderful motherhood was. Not that I didn't think it was wonderful, but I mostly just felt like it was hard. Really, really hard. And not only were they gushing about how wonderful it was, but were also doing things like making amazing meals, sewing their baby perfect little outfits, and were being wonderful wives to their husbands. Apparently, something was very, very wrong with me.

And then, this weekend, as I listened to these other women tell their stories of grief, frustration, and feeling overwhelmed a lot of the time with motherhood, I realized, I was in fact normal. Motherhood is hard. We mothers do shed a lot of tears. We mothers do feel a lot of frustration and/or inadequacy. We mothers do wonder what in the world we were thinking when we pictured perfect little families with children who ate the way they were supposed to, and slept when they were supposed to, and never dared misbehave. And we mothers that feel this way are normal! And it is ok to have these feelings. And it is ok because we do have those moments in between the craziness when everything is perfect and we are overwhelmed with love for our children and it gives us the little glimpse of hope we need to get us through the difficult times.

This weekend I finally felt validated. And I finally felt like I wasn't alone in my feelings that I'd had for the past 3 and a half years. I finally felt like I wasn't the only one, and I am, actually, normal.


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What I Wish I Had Known #7

>> Thursday, April 19, 2012

Anyone who does any kind of reading about pregnancy has read the information about pregnancy weight gain.

If your pre-pregnancy weight was in the normal range, you should gain between 25-35 pounds.
If your pre-pregnancy weight was below the normal range, you should gain between 28-40 pounds.
And if your pre-pregnancy weight was above the normal range, you should gain between 15-25 pounds.

Now, I am no medical professional (obviously) but to this I say a big fat whatever! (Please pardon me if you disagree.) But here's the deal. I am CONVINCED that there is no standard for weight a woman should gain during her pregnancy. I am CONVINCED that every woman responds to pregnancy differently, not only different from one woman to another, but from one pregnancy to another for each individual person.

I am not saying that we should sit around all day doing nothing, and eat 23 donuts, 2 packages of Oreo cookies, and a couple cartons of ice cream and just have the attitude of "I'm pregnant, so I'll gain whatever I gain." We obviously have to be smart (within the means of being smart while having pregnancy cravings) and that we should do what we can to get physical exercise. But the fact of the matter is, I started both of my pregnancies at a normal weight. With my first, I gained about 60 lbs and with my second about 35. (Although, you can almost say all that extra weight during the first pregnancy must have been due to the Texas sized feet I got.) I didn't eat completely crazy during either pregnancy, and I didn't stay stagnate during either pregnancy. Although, the first was a boy and the second was a girl, and I think that can make a difference with some woman. My midwives gave me a hard time for gaining so much weight during my first pregnancy, and I was really bothered that I was gaining so much beyond what I was supposed to.

And I say all that to say this: I wish I had known not to hold myself to some "standard for pregnancy weight gain". I wasn't doing anything overtly unhealthy. And it goes the other way, too. If you are doing everything you can to gain weight during pregnancy, and it just isn't happening, don't feel bad. Everyone is different, everyone's body is different, and everyone's bodies reacts in a different way. Don't be upset if your normal isn't the "standard" normal.


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A trick of the trade #5

>> Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Here's a little trick that might work for you.

Did you know that juice consumption up to the age of 4 should be limited to about 4-6 ounces a day? (According to Dr. Sears and several other sources.) But getting my kids to drink water was about as easy as getting them to clean up after themselves. But was we all know, drinking plenty of water a day is important.

My kids are picky enough eaters as it is. I figured if I could do anything right since they were eating so badly, I could at least figure out a way to get them to drink enough water, and not too much juice.

Feeling frustrated that they wouldn't drink water, but would drink juice, but shouldn't have more than 4 ounces a day, I decided to try a little trick. In about 4 ounces of water, I'd add the tiniest bit of juice (I'm talking maybe half an ounce, if not less). When offered that version of juice, my kids have been all over it! I don't know how they could like it, but they do. So they drink less than 4 ounces of juice a day, and are getting plenty of water! I call it a win!

Motherhood breeds ingenuity, doesn't it?


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Burping 101

>> Thursday, April 12, 2012

That title really draws you in, eh?

I was surprised when I was pregnant with my second baby and read an article saying that burping a baby wasn't necessary like previously thought. So, I had my baby and decided that article must be true, and didn't burp her after feedings. It took less than a week for me to decide that burping was, indeed, quite necessary. I strongly believe that if your baby has been fed and has a clean diaper, but they are fussy, gas (of some sort) is the problem. Burping a fussy baby has almost always worked for me to calm them. (You never know what burps are still hiding out in their little bellies.)

According to Dr. Sears, there are two important keys to burping a baby. 1) The baby needs to be in an upright position and 2) Pressure needs to be applied to the babies belly. (A step that is very often forgotten.)

Before I share Dr. Sears burping positions, I'd like to share one I learned after the birth of my second baby. After talking to the doctor about how it seemed like she always had gas, the doctor suggested I add a little bounce to my burping method. I would hold my baby while standing, with her head resting on my shoulders, and bounce while lightly patting her on her back. This method always seemed to work much faster and much better than other methods I'd used. But Dr. Sears is an expert, so perhaps you'd rather see his positions instead.

  • Over-the-hand burp. Sit baby on your lap and place the heel of your hand against her tummy, with her chin resting on the top of your hand. Lean baby forward, resting most of her weight against the heel of your hand to provide counter pressure on her tummy, and pat her on the back to move up the air bubbles.
  • Over-the-shoulder burp. Drape baby way up over your shoulder so that your shoulder presses against her tummy, then rub or pat her back. Hold baby securely by hooking your thumb under her armpit. If she's on your right shoulder, do this holding with your right hand.
  • Over-the-lap burp. Drape baby over one thigh (legs crossed or spread) so that it presses upward against her tummy. Support baby's head with one hand while you pat or rub her back with the other hand.
  • The one-arm burp. This position is particularly helpful when you're busy and baby needs to burp. You can simply stroll around the house and have one hand free. The only drawback is that spit-up may go on the floor or down over your arm and baby's legs.
  • Sling burping. If the air just won't come up, place baby upright against your chest and wear her in a sling until the air comes up.
  • Nighttime burping. Burping is often not necessary during night feedings, since babies feed in a more relaxed manner and therefore swallow less air. If a trapped air bubble seems to be causing nighttime discomfort, you can avoid sitting up and going through the whole burping ritual by draping baby up over your hip as you lie on your side.
  • Burp and switch. Some babies are more comfortable if they burp when changing sides. Getting the air up makes room for more milk. This can help avoid large spit-ups when a bubble gets trapped under the milk.
  • Knee-to-chest burp. Sometimes babies need help not only getting air out the top end, but also out the bottom. The knee-chest position (flexing baby's knees up against her chest) helps baby pass excess gas.

And of course, no matter what position you use, it's always wise to make sure you have a burp cloth positioned under your babies mouth.
And I stick to my guns and say no matter what anyone else says, one of the keys to a happy baby is burping them!


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Need a laugh?

>> Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I don't know about you, but I needed a laugh today and this did the trick. It's one of my favorite jokes.

A man took his pregnant wife to the hospital to give birth. The doctor told them that they'd developed a new machine and asked if the couple would like to try it out. The machine could take some of the pain of childbirth from the mother and give it to the father to ease the mother's burden.

Well, they thought that was a good idea, and decided to give it a try. The doctor initially set the machine on 10 percent, telling the man that even 10 percent was probably more pain than he'd ever experienced. But the husband was surprised at how little pain he was feeling, and asked the doctor to raise the level.

The doctor increased it to 20 percent, and when the man still felt fine, he raised it to 50 and finally 100 percent.

After it was all over, the man stood up, and stretched a little. Both he and his wife felt fine, and they shortly left the hospital to take the baby home.

It was then that they found the mailman dead on their doorstep.


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A trick of the trade #4

>> Thursday, April 5, 2012

I do believe that as long as I birth babies, I will be birthing bald babies. Which is totally fine. Bald babies are just as cute as follicly unchallenged babies. But, when it comes to bald baby girls, that means no hair to clip cute little hair clips in. Which is also ok. Because, of course, there are ways around such "problems".

Luckily, other moms shared their trick with attaching bows to bald baby girls. You see, all you need is a little bit of corn syrup or glue. (Yes...glue.)

See this here bow attached on my sweet baby girls head when she was 4 months old? It was attached with one of the two.
I started out with corn syrup. But, long story short, it was messy....and it didn't come off very easily. So then I moved on to glue. Now, before you possibly judge me, know that it is just regular old non-toxic, washable, Elmer's glue. And only a tiny little dab does the trick. With a tiny little bit of water, it comes right off. (Or sometimes, it comes off quite naturally)

So with a little bit of ribbon, and a tiny dab of glue (or corn syrup if you like sticky messes), your sweet bald baby girl can be properly adorned, too.

**It should be noted that I have heard of other components to use to attach the bows, but these were the two that I felt most comfortable with.


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Pack your bags!!

>> Monday, April 2, 2012

I am such a procrastinator, so I really wasn't one to have a hospital bag packed much in advance. Plus, some things are last minute things anyways. But, it's still important to get it done! Here's a list that might help you out as you pack your bags to get ready for your hospital stay for your babies birth.

1. I absolutely say this is the most important. CHAPSTICK! I don't know what it is about labor and childbirth (perhaps all the heavy breathing during labor?) that makes your lips so dry. I remember not having any during my second birth experience and making my husband go get some. I applied it often and liberally throughout the remainder of labor.

2. Toiletries. Deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste, make-up, hair elastics, shampoo, conditioner. Basically, everything you'd take if you were going on a trip where none of those things are provided.

3. Comfy clothes, socks, and slippers. I most certainly did take my housecoat with me the second time, and most certainly enjoyed wearing that over having to wear the hospital gown. And I was thankful to have some comfy socks to keep my cold feet warm on those cold hospital floors.

4. Photo ID, insurance card, birth plan, checks or credit card. This would probably not be the best time to forget such items.

5. Delicious snacks. Not that places let you eat while you are laboring. But afterwards, when you are starving like you haven't eaten in days, and all you're getting is bland hospital foods, you'll be happy to have some good snacks on hand.

6. Anything that will help you be comfortable, relax, or take your mind off of the pain. Whether this is in the form of an IPOD with your favorite music, a favorite book, or pictures of your family. Personally, I didn't have time for any of this stuff, but I know others find it useful.

7. Important phone numbers. Some hospitals don't allow cell phones (Crazy, I know!) Or some have really bad cell reception, thus sucking battery life out of your phone. Whatever may happen, it's always a good idea to have the important numbers written down somewhere in case you can't get them off of your cell phone.

8. Comfortable clothes for the ride home. I had jeans to wear home, but luckily also had some comfy pants. Maybe it's just me, but why would I even want to wear jeans?? I say comfy clothes going home are a necessity.

9. Your babies going home outfit. It's always so fun picking out the perfect outfit to take your new baby home in. Although, keep in mind, unless your baby is above average, the clothes are going to swallow them, so try to pick the tiniest thing available.

10. Comfortable undergarments. This is a time when "granny panties" are, in every way, ok. And needed! And whether your are going to nurse or not, make sure you have a comfortable supportive bra.

11. If you are planning to nurse, make sure you have some nipple cream. Whether it's your first baby or 5th, you'll need it!

Some last minute items (Electronics of course!):
-Camera and charger. I try to make sure the camera stays charged those last few weeks of pregnancy, and make sure it stays in a place that will be easy to grab when it's time to get to the hospital. And make sure you have plenty of storage space ready to go on your camera.

-Cell phone and charger. As previously mentioned, if you can use your cell phone, it might not get good reception in the hospital, so make sure you have a charger since it's battery life will go quicker.


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