It's Summertime! (repost)
>> Monday, July 16, 2012
It was just barely over a year ago that I said on this blog " During my first pregnancy I was in the huge, uncomfortable stage of pregnancy right in the heat (and humidity cause I'm on the east coast) of summer! It wasn't fun. And I vowed to myself that I will never be in the third trimester of pregnancy in the horrible heat of summer again!!!"
And now I find myself practically eating my words. Although I'm not in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, I'm still almost 24 weeks and practically just as miserable as I was during that first pregnancy. Somehow I thought that having my a baby at the beginning of September was horrible with going through the pregnancy in the horrible heat and humidity of summer. BUT I thought that having a baby two months later this time, at the beginning of November, would be soooo much better. I was wrong.
So if you are like me, you might need to be reminded of how to make a summer pregnancy more bearable and keep you as healthy as possible.
--Frequent the pool. It's a great way to cool off, relieve back pain, and get in some exercise. During my first pregnancy I was able to go to the pool often and it really was the best. And I'd hang out along the side of the pool doing leg lifts and other water aerobics. I may have gotten a few weird looks, but it felt so good, and I'm used to people looking at me like I'm crazy.
--Prop up your feet. I'm not even kidding about how bad my hands, feet and ankles swelled because of the hot summer. (I'm tempted to show you a picture for you skeptics, but I will refrain) Keeping your feet up helps, and so does a nice foot massage! And going back to the first tip, drinking water helps with the swelling, too, along with taking in less salt.
--Stay indoors when you can on those super hot days. Yes, it can be boring, which is when you hit up the mall or go to a movie. And it can seem almost impossible if you have another child who needs to get out and get some energy. But do what you can to stay cool inside. Just take advantage of the cooler weather at sundown.
My first was born August 10 (in a milder, southern California climate) and I vowed to never have another summer baby. I was successful with #2 (born in April) and #3 (born in January- although during an ice storm... so the other extreme). #4 is due August 9th... talk about eating one's words.
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